Kung-Fu LIVE goes live!
Ready to kick some serious ass? Kung-Fu LIVE, a beat-em-up adventure featuring YOU as the hero, will be launching on PlayStation® Network very soon!
North America: Dec 7th · $14.99
Europe: Dec 8th · 13.99€ / £10.99
You can play Kung-Fu LIVE in any of these languages:
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español ·
français ·
60 to 90 minute queue to Kick Ass at Gamescom Cologne
Kung-Fu LIVE was at gamescom Cologne. Around 1000 people played the game, loads of journalists interviewed. Awesome reception and lots of smiles and laughter.
Check out some video in the videos section and do check out some killer photos on our Facebook page
Gamespot stage demo and other awesomeness from E3
E3 was pure awesomeness. We demoed the game to media and journalists (behind closed doors). The reception was great. People were really surprised to see something unique like this.
Check out some of the highlights from the links below:Awesome online buzz follows from announcement in NY
Announcing the game with a hands on sneak preview for public and media in New York was total awesomeness! We are overwhelmed by the positive public as well as critic reception of the game. There are literally hundreds of links and articles online and the buzz is very positive.
Little did we know that we would be put in the middle of the rising motion gaming discussion. Many of the stories noticed that our tech and the experience is similar to what Natal is aiming for: Kung-Fu LIVE uses full-body skeleton tracking to track the player’s moves in real-time. Several sites are saying that we stole the thunder from Natal with our game and showed that now the PS3 + the PSEye can do the same. And with a much smaller cost.
Check out some links to articles and tv/video feeds from our newly founded Facebook Page. Its good stuff!
Oh yeah, and please come support us in FB by sending a friend request and/or by clicking 'like' for our page! Note also that the Facebook page will be updated more frequently than this one.
Kung-Fu Live Played by 1000 people at Gadget Show Live
Gadget Show Live was a fantastic experience! We had a morning till dusk queue of people playing our demo and several media instances tried it out as well.
During the show, about 1000 people played and much much more watched. The feedback was positive and encouraging. It was a magical experience for people, especially kids to see themselves realistically inside the game.
A much reoccuring feedback was that the experience "is so much better than Wii". Not bad, we think!
Many kids kept coming back, all the way for their parents to ask for us to tell them that we are closing the exhibit early. :)
We send our warmest thanks to the Gadget Show Live for having us, the cool Jason Bradbury and Ortis Deley for covering us for the tv show, Daily Star for writing a great article of our game and all the people who played and came to watch! It was a great experience for us and we were super happy to see others enjoying it as well!
See you next time!